FULL DAY – Fast Track Your Results

    Have you seen the power of a STOP sign?

    stop sign smarter health

    You automatically stop, don’t you?

    Would you like to STOP….

    • STOP comfort eating and feeling guilty about eating food
    • STOP hating exercise
    • STOP yo-yo dieting
    • STOP getting frustrated with yourself and your weight
    • STOP eating for reasons other than hunger

    If your answer is “YES” and are ‘READY” to get the fitness and healthy lifestyle that you have always wanted, then you are invited to join me to FAST TRACK YOUR RESULTS. There is no denying that your weight affects how you look and feel.

    What I would like to do is show you:

    How To Create Dramatic, Long-Lasting, Personal Fitness, Food and Mindset Changes by Integrating 3 elements: Your Fitness, Food and Mindset (thinking).

    If you want to have short and long lasting change with your fitness, food and mindset then I have a simple and effortless solution for you. It will take the ‘weight’ off your mind.

    Have you ever started on a fitness or diet regime, lost the weight to only put it back on again?
    Have you been eliminating certain foods because of the latest diet craze or particular diet-fad rules?
    Have you been comfort eating and feeling guilty about eating food
    Have you been hating exercise and being active?
    Have you been going on and off different diets (yo-yo dieting)?
    Have  you been getting frustrated with yourself and your weight?
    Have you been eating for reasons other than hunger?


    You will only change your behaviour when they are READY to do so.  There are five stages of behaviour. Where are you?

    1. Pre-contemplation (NOT READY)
    2. Contemplation (GETTING READY)
    3. Preparation (READY)
    4. Action
    5. Maintenance

    Once you are READY, FAST TRACK YOUR RESULTS is like a laser beam, completely focused on a supplying you with a constant stream of motivation, tools, tactics, and techniques to put your fitness, food and thinking on SOLID GROUND…

    In this FULL-DAY Fast Track Your Results Training, Antonietta will help you to:

    START feeling great about yourself and your body
    START enjoying eating without feeling guilty
    START to unravel the emotional issues behind eating
    START to identify what triggers excessive eating
    START to enjoy being active and getting fit
    START to get the energy and confidence that you have always wanted
    START to understand the connection between food, fitness and mindset.

    Learning the 3 main skills to looking and feeling great:


      • * Why working with your Brain is the key to getting into shape
      • * Understanding the dynamics that happens at an unconscious level that STOPs you getting the fitness and health you have always wanted
      * How your thoughts are the first step to your fitness success
    2. FOOD
    * Really understand the science of food and translate that into your everyday life, effortlessly!
    * Why you really need food to loose weight
    * Which foods you can eat as much as you like
    * How certain foods will fill you with energy and vitality
    * Why you need to eat certain types of fat to help you lose weight
    3. FITNESS
    * Participate in a fitness training session where you will be buzzing with energy and moving effortlessly!
    * Learn how your fitness and breathing style can be ‘tweaked’ to fell ‘comfy and calm’
    * Learn the 3 main reasons why moving is so important
    * Learn how fitness can be fun
    * Learn the different types of fitness and their effects
    By the end of this interactive training day you will know how to integrate all 3 areas and achieve your personal goals for
    getting into shape, losing body fat and having all the energy you need to look and feel great, effortlessly

    If you’re thinking about it, why not check out what previous participants have to say about it or give me a call if you have any questions ………


    1. Marie-Claire Carlyle
    “Antonietta Viola is the real deal, if you are serious about getting fit and thought that exercise was boring, you will change your mind with just one session with Antonietta. Vibrant, highly motivation and sparkling with wit, she makes you forget that you are actually doing exercise! I haven’t had so much fun since playing tag at primary school. Most surprisingly to me, after only one session with Antonietta, I am now committed to doing exercise on a regular basis.”

    2. Angela Vallins explains what she has achieved by attending Antonietta’s training workshops in the questions below:

    What did you achieve by booking onto “Fast Track Your Results”?
    “After attending the workshop, I feel I have more energy. I have found that my body is changing in a way it has not with any other form of exercise.  My body shape has changed for the good and due to the variety of exercises can focus on all parts of your body.  I do not concern myself with how much I weigh but more how I feel and look in my clothes.  It has automatically made me think differently about what I eat and I feel I want to eat more healthily which has never happened to me before.  I do have treats and have not stopped this but feel I no longer need this boost when I feel out of sorts with myself (which we all get from time to time). I no longer automatically reach for chocolate or cakes when I have had a rather stressful or stretching day but feel I deal with these in a different way through having a more positive attitude.

    I have tried most fad exercising regimes and never kept them up, but this is different and I feel I have more of a want to continue, to improve my fitness level.

    WHY would you recommend the workshop?
    “It is different and give it a try, you see the difference in yourself in a fairly short time and it makes you feel good about yourself.  You push yourself to improve where as with other workshops I have done I find over time I put in less effort but this is not the same with Antonietta’s Workshop. There is no need to feel that if you have not exercised for a while that you will not be able to keep up or do the session, you build up gradually and very quickly see a change in how you are able to perform correctly (well in most cases, a few exceptions for me, but I will get there!) or be ‘tweaked’ if any changes are needed to ensure you are exercising correctly and not causing any damage.
    Antonietta is friendly, approachable, enjoys seeing people improve in the group.  The sessions are fun, which is down to Netta who is light hearted, cheerful, chatty and has a way of pushing you at times without you necessary realising which makesthe sessions more enjoyable.”

    Is there anything else you’d like to add?
    “Just that the workshop for me is fun, varied, and has made a difference to how I feel about myself and my body. I would say that I am slightly less conscious of the body parts which I would like to change and this is due to the fact thatthe workshop can focus on these areas and all round body fitness and change”

    CONTACT ME NOW for Your Free 30 Minute 1:1

    Looking forward to speaking with you soon

    Warm regards

    Antonietta Viola signature

    Antonietta Angelina Viola  BHS (N&D) MPH
    M: 07854 969176
    E: info@smarterhealth.co.uk