What are people saying?

Marie-Claire (Business Owner, 53 years)
“Antonietta Angelina Viola is the real deal, if you are serious about getting fit and thought that exercise was boring, you will change your mind with just one session with Antonietta. Vibrant, highly motivation and sparkling with wit, she makes you forget that you are actually doing exercise! I haven’t had so much fun since playing tag at primary school. Most surprisingly to me, after only one session with Antonietta, I am now committed to doing exercise on a regular basis and focusing on my health.”


Angela (Primary School Teacher, Age 48)

“After attending the workshop and doing 1:1 sessions, I feel I have more energy. I have found that my body is changing in a way it has not with any other form of exercise.  My body shape has changed for the good and due to the variety of exercises can focus on all parts of your body.  I do not concern myself with how much I weigh but more how I feel and look in my clothes.  It has automatically made me think differently about what I eat and I feel I want to eat more healthily which has never happened to me before.  I do have treats and have not stopped this but feel I no longer need this boost when I feel out of sorts with myself (which we all get from time to time). I no longer automatically reach for chocolate or cakes when I have had a rather stressful or stretching day but feel I deal with these in a different way through having a more positive attitude. 
I have tried most fad exercising regimes and never kept them up, but this is different and I feel I have more of a want to continue, to improve my fitness level.

WHY would you recommend the 1:1s or the workshops?

“It is different and give it a try, you see the difference in yourself in a fairly short time and it makes you feel good about yourself.  You push yourself to improve where as with other workshops I have done I find over time I put in less effort but this is not the same with Antonietta’s Workshop. There is no need to feel that if you have not exercised for a while that you will not be able to keep up or do the session, you build up gradually and very quickly see a change in how you are able to perform correctly (well in most cases, a few exceptions for me, but I will get there!) or be ‘tweaked’ if any changes are needed to ensure you are exercising correctly and not causing any damage.
Antonietta is friendly, approachable, enjoys seeing people improve in the group.  The sessions are fun, which is down to Antonietta who is light hearted, cheerful, chatty and has a way of pushing you at times without you necessary realising which makes the sessions more enjoyable.”

Is there anything else you’d like to add?

“Just that the workshop and 1:1s for me are fun, varied, and has made a difference to how I feel about myself and my body. I would say that I am slightly less conscious of the body parts which I would like to change and this is due to the fact that the workshop can focus on these areas and all round body fitness and change”


Christine (NHS Manager, 42 years)

“I was going in a positive direction before the course but this has reinforced my determination…leading to positive changes.  I have never had so much self-discipline and staying power. I feel like I can do it and get back into shape. [The programme has] raised my awareness of fruit and vegetables and I have changed my diet radically……. I was previously going to bed about 2-3am or later and finding it hard to get up. Now, I am going to bed at 10pm….it [the programme] has had a knock on effect on other aspects of my life.”


Susan (Stay at home Mum, 37 years)

“I am not worried about my weight it is the change in sizes (of clothes) and changes in attitude to my food…..I don’t see it [food] as a comfort blanket any more…..I am now asking for help, where I didn’t before…..the whole family is changing to eat healthy…my husband is also doing the cooking for the kids and so I can concentrate on myself for a change.”


Claire (Office Receptionist, 32 years)

“The programme is very positive especially opening up in front of other people about binge eating… working as a team together has been really good. Opening up a new world… seeing and reading [nutrition] information made me realise I was naïve to it all… seeing the fat, sugar and salt in food… especially the amount of spread on bread. Also, I can pretty much talk to anyone but to sit there when you have a weight problem and talk about it is very difficult… normally, I sit back and not say that I have been bingeing… to come to the group and be truthful in a supportive group is great!”


Karen (Business Owner, 38 years)

“The 1 day programme has been fun and a very good way to learn about healthy eating and I hope to take it all in and put it in to practice and hit all my goals. I learnt not to beat myself up when I eat something not too good for me. This is the first thing to do with healthy eating that has clicked for me.”


Alice (Manager, 58 years)

“The 1:1 Transformation Programme has given me the opportunity to learn more about healthy lifestyles in general rather than specifically focus on weight loss – balancing food, activity and state of mind.”


Pauline (NHS Nurse, 45 years)

After doing 1:1s – “Thinking more positively about my food and physical activity and more conscious of the type of food I am purchasing – spending time looking at food labels. Increasing my physical activity; Decreasing the amount of ‘junk’ food I am consuming. This Transformation Programme has shown me how to lose weight and improve my fitness taking small steps.”